-It was a fun night last night as I went to the Timberwolves game followed by a night of Trivia at Carrie's. The game was good with Miramichi winning 4-1. Afterwords, played a game of Scene it and then DVD trivia, which I won both. (was there ever any doubt :) ).
-Picked up a couple of books yesterday, Adam Copeland on Edge and To Be The Man: Ric Flair. I'm about 100 pages into the Flair book and it's very interesting. I've heard the Edge book is good, but I'll start it in a couple of days.
-I'm working my way through Def Jam: Fight for NY at about 70% of the storyline. I'm going to try to finish it before Smackdown Vs Raw arrives (Hopefully on monday)
-G4/Tech Tv has done it again by "Revamping" The Screen Savers, firing most of the staff with the exception of Kevin Rose and Sarah Lane. The show is going into repeats untill after the american thanksgiving then will return. I imagine when it does comeback it will have more of a gaming edge. "Unscrewed with Martin Sargent" has been totally cancelled, leaving X-play as the last remaining show from TechTV, leaving a lot of crappy gaming shows (and a good canadian girl, Amanda Mackay). I can be very honest that I very rarely turn on the channel anymore, as even the returning Call for Help has fallen off.
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