-So as you can see from the new countdown clock; another birthday has passed making me 26. I didn't see things like this when I was 26, but you take what you can get. I spent the day in moncton with Mom and Jamie, who is home for a week or so. I spent way too much money buying some clothes. Finally picked up a new Vest, Although I don't think I'm going to retire the black one just yet. Picked up a really nice knit sweater and finally a sports jacket. Then we went to Chapters and I picked up a few books including "Broken Harts: The Life and death of Owen Hart" I finished this one already. It's an interesting read; The only thing that I can't get over is if Owen wanted out so bad, why hang around so long? Wrestling must be so hard, seems to be a lot to do just for the money.
I also picked up:
- A couple of George Carlin Books, Braindroppings and Napalm and Silly Putty
- and The West Wing Episode Guide. I looked at picking up the shooting scripts but found that they were really hard to read.
- Went into Old Navy Today too, I don't see what the big fuss is about. It seemed to be all over-priced stuff with stupid logo's on it. The funny part is I didn't see an simple Old Navy t-shirt anywhere.
-Anyone see the new Britney Spears Video: My prerogative, Bobby Brown must be rolling over in his grave..Just a second...Are you Sure?...Turns out Bobby Brown is not dead, just his career is. Speaking of which, I see that there is a new video from Bobby's former Group, New Edition as well. Bobby; Jump on the bandwagon and hit the road for the reunion tour.
-I just can't fand any decent music to download. That dosen't jive with the fact that I want a MP3 player. I was looking at Ipods and they are just too expensive. I've also heard that the batteries in them don't last past a year. I was looking at a Creative 40GB one at Compucorner, almost did it, but too much $$$. Hopefully the prices will drop in the hard drive based MP3 players after christmas...or I hit the lottery between now and then.
-I also saw the new G5 IMac's today. I really like the way it looks and the screen is beautiful. It will be interesting to see how long they last before burnout happens
-I've got a bunch of G-mail invites again. Just hit the E-mail link and I'll hook you up with one.
-Wow, all the computer and Gadget stuff...Have I become a Geek? I guess so....
-New Winamp Playlist
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