Sunday, September 01, 2002

Well, Well, Well,

It's been an interesting week and a half since the last update, as I've begun work at ICT in the Aliant dial-up internet help desk department. There's 12 guys in the class, and we all seem to get along. For the first little bit, I thought that I was in a little over my head, but things have leveled out when we were interduced to the programs that we use to help people, I've got another week in the class, then a week on the floor before I start taking calls on my own. So if you have to call Alient Tech, It might be me you're talking too. Scary Thought, aint it :)

Thanks to Shawn for the kind words he had to say about me during his sign off on friday. They are the ones poorer for losing us, not the other way around

American Idol ends this week and I think that it's Kelly's to lose. unless there's a lot of 13 year old girls with auto-dialers. Big Brother is still a couple of weeks away form ending and I think it's a wide open race yet. Survivor starts on the 19th.

Guilty pleasure TV show: Gilmore Girls

After some confusion in the 24/7 thread, I am no longer the NWF Hardcore Champion. Tonight, the results will be posted for my first pay per view, where I meet 4 newcomers, Triple X, Road Dogg, 8-ball and Ironman. I think i've pulled out some of my best stuff this week. The winner of the Match is supposed to become the number 1 contender for the Hardcore Title, now held by Shade. I've also been asked to join forces with Shade in "Chaos", his Stable. I don't really know if I want to join a stable yet. or maybe I do want to know? :) Some will be answered tonight when the results go up.


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