As I an sitting here listening to the Galaxie Hot Country Channel, I've just been thinking how good things have been lately.
Sure, the job that I thought I had turned out not to be, although I am doing it, somewhat and sort of, except for the next 2 weeks when I am training another new hire class, which I hate doing because it never turns out right and is frustrating and a pain in the ass, with the exception of, well, we'll get to that.
I'd like to continue this rant with, after looking at the last paragraph, I've had too much pepsi and Gilmore Girls today (Almost done the first season ,the second one is next followed by Firefly and Then veronica Mars.
so where was I? Oh yeah, new hire classes. They were a good thing when they got me off the phones, but I'm doing other things now and they are not a challenge. Hell, I get bored telling people how to create a dialer, and ICM and Freedom and everything else. I need new challenges.
Everyone at work is so stressed out and pissed off that people are starting to think about leaving. I was thinking about leaving, but with Sandy now, I can't imagine leaving where I am. It's amazing no matter how bad a day that I've been having, as soon as I see her, it makes everything all better. Yes, those of you that have known me a long time will be happy to know that I am in love, and don't care who knows it.
there I said it :p